Scoreboard for Slack


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I couldn’t seem to find a simple Slack bot that would track points. I wanted to be able to give points to another user for something funny, or helpful, or whatever other reason. I wanted to be able to take away points, too. It would be an open eco-system where the points don’t matter. Any user can give/take points to/from any other user at anytime, and everyone can see the standings.

Simple, right? I couldn’t find something this simple that already existed, so I went ahead and created it.


The App – Scoreboard for Slack

How does it work? It’s as simple as you’d expect. The commands all begin with “/scoreboard”:

• To view the current scoreboard: /scoreboard [list|show]
• To award points to someone: /scoreboard give @username 10 points [for whatever reason]
• To take points from someone: /scoreboard take @username 10 points [for whatever reason]
• To reset the scoreboard: /scoreboard [clear|reset]


The Future

I don’t have much else to add to this app other than better parsing, but I’m open to any suggestions! Feel free to contact me or comment here if you have any good ideas.





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26 responses

  1. Vladimir Avatar

    Great app, realy nice idea!
    I wonder if you can add the option to restrict the ability of score changes only to the owner of the channel?

    1. olesakn Avatar

      So only the owner of the channel could add/subtract points from other users in the channel?

      1. Vladimir Lukozhev Avatar
        Vladimir Lukozhev

        Thats it – only owner

      2. Vladimir Avatar


      3. Vladimir Avatar

        For example it can be empty by default master password.
        In the case someone setup it – all edit slash commands stop work without password provided. (give, take, clear, reset)

  2. Vladimir Lukozhev Avatar
    Vladimir Lukozhev

    One possible way to implement it is to use master password.
    By default its empty.
    In the case of someone set master password – “/scoreboard take|give|clear|reset” works only with master password provided.

    1. olesakn Avatar

      An interesting idea! Certainly, something I could add as an optional feature. I’ll keep this in mind!

      1. Vladimir Avatar

        Thats great! Looking forward to see it.

  3. Hey Nick,

    Enjoying this thus far. Not sure if its a bug, but we’ve noticed that once a user goes over zero points, they can’t go into negative points. If they’ve never gone over zero, they can be in the negatives. Was this intentional?

    1. Definitely not intentional! I intended to prevent negative scores, but it looks like you’ve found a loophole, thanks for letting me know!

      1. This has now been fixed!

  4. I’m noticing that I’m getting a ” is not a valid @user.” message when trying to award points, however, is actually a valid user, since it’s being auto-filled by Slack from the members list.

    I’ve tried removing the app and re-adding it to our workspace. Is this an issue with Enterprise accounts versus regular paid Slack teams?

    1. Hi John – are you using the @ symbol when specifying the user? I’m not familiar with any differences between Enterprise accounts, but it’s possible that could be the issue. I’ll take a look at it.

  5. Love the app so far! It has been perfect to create a little friendly competition between the Student Workers is supervise and has helped with productivity! I was wondering if there was a way to give several members or all the members of one channel points at one time, or in one command? (instead of typing in the command 10 different times, just with a different @)

    1. Jonathan Avatar

      This would be useful to us as well! We like to give points when members attend local conferences/meetups, and there are often several people who therefore earn points for the same thing at the same time.

      1. olesakn Avatar

        Thanks for the feedback! I’ll keep this in mind. I’d need to either let you set up groups, or else be able to assign point to everyone via a channel. I’m not quite sure if this will be possible or not, it till depend on what Slack makes available to me. But I’ll definitely look into it!

  6. I love it! Just what i need. My suggestion is, add option for typing the Title. Also digit grouping. Thanks.

  7. Great app! Could you please allow us to give half a point? Currently, 0.5 is rounded up to 1.


  8. Mike Corum Avatar
    Mike Corum

    Nick, do you have the code somewhere on Github where we could take a look. I have some ideas for improvements. I’m interested in what Jonathan above said about giving points for attending conferences or training. To do, that, it would need to capture and be able to show the reason (after the 10 points for part) and also it would be great if there could be more than one scoreboard, possibly named or with a title. I’d be willing to help add these as optional. Let me know. Thanks,

    1. olesakn Avatar

      Hey Mike, I don’t currently but don’t have a reason not to – I’ll probably make a public repo here soon and make the code available for anyone to make contributions.

  9. Mike Corum Avatar
    Mike Corum

    I just found that the scoreboard won’t let you assign points to yourself. So if I’m keeping track of points for people attending classes/conferences/meetups, I can’t assign points to myself for attending classes/conferences/meetups which is a bit unfair since I’m the one tracking this. Let me know if there is a a Github or Sourceforge location for the code. I’d be happy to do a pull request to create additional features. Thanks, Mike

  10. Stephen Noel Avatar
    Stephen Noel


    Would love to be able to add arbitrary names. IE I’m looking to essentially call out Harry Potter house names, so 10pts to Gryffindor etc. Any thoughts?


    1. olesakn Avatar

      Love the idea! Technically no need to force you guys to give points to actual users! I’ll see about adding this as an option soon. Thanks for the feedback!

  11. Lucian Eduard Ghimpu Avatar
    Lucian Eduard Ghimpu

    Would be nice to have multiple scoreboards:
    (soccer, basketball or whatever…)

    /scoreboard give @username [scoreboard_name] 1 points [for whatever reason]
    /scoreboard show [scoreboard_name]

    Nonetheless, this is a pretty nice addon, thank you.

  12. Hey, been using your scoreboard for quite a while now.
    But we would like to have channel specific scoreboards if that would be possible. So that other users can’t mess with a scoreboard that is supposed to be specific to one channel only. And thus, not having other users show up.


  13. I will echo previous posters in the wish to have more than one scoreboard, either by channel or by an optional scoreboard name.

    Another handy feature would be user history. So like /scoreboard history @user to see who gave who points, and how many.

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